Heritage Food walk in interview for freshers ITI and Diploma Pass jobs 2023। Jobs in Telengana 2023। Apply Online : फुड कंपनी में ITI Diploma पास छात्रों के लिए परमानेंट भर्ती।
Heritage Food walk in interview for ITI Diploma jobs in Telangana 2023
Company Name :- Heritage India Pvt Ltd
About This Company :-
हेरिटेज फूड्स लिमिटेड (एचएफएल) एक डेयरी और नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा कंपनी है जिसका मुख्यालय हैदराबाद, भारत में है। इसकी स्थापना 1992 में आंध्र प्रदेश के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री नारा चंद्रबाबू नायडू ने की थी। एचएफएल भारत की सबसे बड़ी डेयरी कंपनियों में से एक है, जिसका वित्तीय वर्ष 2021-22 में 26,429 मिलियन रुपये का कारोबार हुआ है।
एचएफएल के उत्पादों में दूध, डेयरी उत्पाद, घी, मक्खन, पनीर, आइसक्रीम और फ्रोजन डेसर्ट शामिल हैं। कंपनी के पास पूरे भारत में 1,000 से अधिक स्टोर्स की खुदरा श्रृंखला भी है। एचएफएल का नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा प्रभाग सौर और पवन ऊर्जा उत्पादन पर केंद्रित है।
Heritage Food ltd Recruitment 2023 walk in interview Details :-
Heritage Food walk in interview for freshers ITI and Diploma Pass students Eligible for On Roll Permanent job vacancy 2023। Direct apply online submit your Application.
Position :-
Technicians Supervisor for Production Manufacturing and engineering.
Education Qualification :-
ITI and Diploma in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics/Telecommunication
ITI Diploma Pass jobs Details :-
Company Name | Heritage Food Ltd |
Position | Supervisor Technicians Production |
Qualification | ITI and Diploma Pass |
Salary | Rs. 15000 To 35000/- PM |
Job Location | Telangana Hyderabad |
Apply Mode | Online Apply |
Job Type | On Roll Permanent job |
Job Profiles :-
UHT Sterilization Operator :-
ITI / Diploma with 2 – 5 Years Expriance In Dairy / Food Processing / Pharma or any relevant.
UHT Tetra Packing Operator :-
ITI / Diploma with 2 – 5 Years Expriance In Dairy / Food Processing / Pharma or any relevant.
Electrical Maintenance :-
Diploma EEE with 2 – 5 Years Electrical, Packing Machine Maintenance Exp., In Dairy / Food Processing / Pharma or any relevant.
Mechanical Technician :-
Diploma Mechanical with 2 – 5 Years Utility Equipment Maintenance Experience In Dairy / FMCG / or any relevant.
Refrigeration Operator :-
ITI – R&AC / Diploma Mechanical with 2-3 Years Operation Maintenance for Ammonia Compressors, Freon Compressors.
ITI / Diploma with 2 – 5 Years Expriance In Dairy / Food Processing / Pharma or any relevant.
UHT Tetra Packing Operator :-
ITI / Diploma with 2 – 5 Years Expriance In Dairy / Food Processing / Pharma or any relevant.
Electrical Maintenance :-
Diploma EEE with 2 – 5 Years Electrical, Packing Machine Maintenance Exp., In Dairy / Food Processing / Pharma or any relevant.
Mechanical Technician :-
Diploma Mechanical with 2 – 5 Years Utility Equipment Maintenance Experience In Dairy / FMCG / or any relevant.
Refrigeration Operator :-
ITI – R&AC / Diploma Mechanical with 2-3 Years Operation Maintenance for Ammonia Compressors, Freon Compressors.
Salary Pay Scals :-
Rs. 1.5 Lacs (Gross -15,000/-Pm) to 5 Lacs (35,000/-Pm) (Including VP) & Yearly Bonus Separate.
Extra Benefits :-
ESI, PF, Bonus, VP, Insurance (GMA, GPA, GTLI) subsidized food.
Work Location :-
Heritage India Pvt Ltd Shamirpet UHT Packing Station Telangana Hyderabad.
Selection Process :-
- Applying online provided Link
- CV Shortlisting
- Attend The walk in interview
- Document varification
Heritage Food ltd Job vacancy in Telangana Hyderabad walk in interview Details :-
Date :– 05th August
Time :- 9.30 AM – 5.30 PM
Venu Address :-
Heritage Foods Limited, UHT Shamirpet Plant Jagan Guda Gram Panchayath, Shamirpet Mandal, Medchal Dist. Hyderabad, Telangana 500078.
Official Notification :-
How To Apply Online :-
Interested candidates can directly walk in into the below-mentioned venue on 05th August’2023 from (Saturday) 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM.
Note :-
Preferable for only Male Candidates. Should know the local language (Telugu).
Heritage Food Ltd Recruitment 2023 ITI Diploma Pass jobs Apply Online :-
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