HVF Apprentices Recruitment 2023 for ITI and Non ITI Jobs

HVF Heavy Vehicles Factory Apprentices Nee Recruitment 2023 for ITI and Non ITI Apply Online। Last date 14th June 2023

HVF Apprentices Recruitment 2023 for ITI and Non ITI Jobs 

Organization Name :- 

HVF ( Heavy Vhicals Factory ) 

About Organization :- 

Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) आयुध निर्माणी बोर्ड की एक इकाई है, जो भारत में रक्षा उत्पादन मंत्रालय के तहत सबसे पुराना और सबसे बड़ा औद्योगिक सेटअप है। एचवीएफ अवाडी, चेन्नई में स्थित है और भारी शुल्क वाले सैन्य वाहनों जैसे टैंक, बख्तरबंद वाहन और अन्य विशेष उपकरणों के उत्पादन के लिए जिम्मेदार है।
HVF Apprentice Recruitment 2023
1965 में स्थापित, HVF भारत के स्वदेशी टैंक निर्माण कार्यक्रम का मुख्य आधार रहा है। कारखाने में सालाना 120 टैंक और 240 बख्तरबंद वाहनों का उत्पादन करने की क्षमता है, जिसमें अर्जुन मेन बैटल टैंक ( MBT ) और टी-90 टैंक शामिल हैं, जो भारतीय सेना के बख्तरबंद बेड़े की रीढ़ हैं।

Post and Vacancies :- 

Apprentice Trainees
Total 168 Number of Post Required
Post And Vacancies Details :- 

Hvf recruitment 2023 vacancy details
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Education Qualification :- 

ITI and Non ITI Pass students eligible.
ITI Pass in Trades :- 
Fitter, Electrician, welder Machinest G&E 
ITI Pass :- Should have passed relevant trade test from any institute recognized by NCVT or SCVT or any other authority specified through Gazette notification of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship/Ministry of Labour and Employment with duration as per the Apprentice trade to be considered will be strictly on the basis of Schedule I of Apprentice Act 1961 (and amendments thereof ).
Non ITI :- Should have Passed Madhyamik (class X std or equivalent) as on date of notification for applying with minimum 50% marks as per criteria of that Board and with minimum 40% marks in Mathematics and Science each.

HVF Apprentices Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria :-

In Addition candidate must have passed Madhyamik / Class X std or equivalent 
(Minimum 50% marks in Matriculate / Class X standard ) 

Job Location :- 

Chennai Tamilnadu India.

Age Limit :- 

  • Minimum Age 18 Years
  • Maximum Age 24 Year’s Eligible.

Age Relaxation :– 

Maximum Age Relaxation as per HVF Apprentices rules ST/ SC/ OBC Candidate 10 year’s Age Relaxation.

In specified PH vacancies may be interchangeable :- 

  • The above mentioned notified vacancies are provisional.
  • The Ex-ITI candidates can apply against one of the designated trades i.e. trades which are
  • compatible to the trade on which training was undertaken at ITI only.
  • PH/PWD candidates can also apply against vacancies as per their eligibility. Their selection will be done as per prevailing vacancies against each trade during the selection process, considering their
  • suitability as per provisions of Apprentices Act 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992 and
  • amendments thereof.
  • When the prescribed number of persons belonging either to the Scheduled Castes (SC) or to the Scheduled Tribes (ST) are not available, the training places so reserved for them may be filled by persons belonging to the ST or as the case may be, to the SC and if the prescribed training places cannot be filled even in the above given manner, then the training places so lying unfilled may be
  • filled by persons not belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes. Similarly, if the prescribed training places reserved for Other Backward Classes cannot be filled from the OBC, then the training places so lying unfilled may be filled by persons not belonging to the OBC.

Reservation for HVF Apprentices Recruitment 2023 :- 

Reservation is applicable as per the relevant schedule in the Rules under the Apprentice Act, 1961, Apprenticeship Rules 1992 and amendments thereof and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and existing Government Rules.
  • Vacancies notified against PH/PWD category are not separate but included in the total number vacancies as per provision. 
  • Final selection of the candidates will be made in order of merit in each category, separately as per applicable Reservations Rules.

HVF Apprentices during :- 

For Non-ITI and ITI candidates: Duration of Training period shall be as specified in the Apprentice Act, 1961, Apprenticeship Rules 1992 and amendments thereof. However, for Ex-ITI candidates, training period will be reduced as per schedule I of Apprenticeship Rules 1992 and amendments thereof in the
respective trade.

Salary Pay Scale :- 

The minimum stipend per month shall be paid to the trade apprentices (as per the provision of sub- rule of rule 11 of the Apprenticeship Rules,1992). According to the Trade Apprentice Act 1961 & as per The Gazette notification of India, Section 37-Sub-section. September 25, 2019, the stipend paid to apprentices per month shall be.
Stipends :- 

  • NON-ITI(Matriculation/ Xth Class Candidate) For Ist year Rs.6000 and IInd year Rs.6600
  • EX-ITI (ITI Pass candidate) For 1 year Trade Rs.7700 For 2 years Trade Rs.8050 Stipends.

Application Fees :- 

  • Application fee for UR & OBC Candidates
  • ( Non-refundable ) – Rs.100/- Application fee 
  • SC/ST/Women/PWD/Others (Transgender) – Rs. 70/- (Non-refundable). 
Please Note :- 
Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances or reused / adjusted. Fee payment will have to be made through IPO
(Indian Postal Order) / SBI Collect.

How To Apply HVF Apprentices Recruitment 2023 :- 

Candidates will have to download the Application form through the official website shown in this advertisement. No other format of application shall be entertained. 
Candidates are required to
read the instructions indicated in the advertisement thoroughly before filling the application.
Candidates must fill their personal details in capital letters carefully. Candidates should ensure that their name, father’s name, date of birth, marks obtained shall exactly match with what is recorded in Matriculation or equivalent and ITI certificate etc.
Any deviation found during Document
Verification may result in cancellation of candidature and debarment.
Candidates are advised to indicate their active mobile number and valid e-mail ID in the Application and keep them active during the entire engagement process as all important messages will be sent by email/SMS, which will be treated as deemed to have been read by the candidates.
While filling up the application form, the applicant must paste recent clear colour photograph (size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm) in the space provided (taken not later than three months from the date of application).
The name in Aadhaar Card should match with certificates.
Unclear / illegible documents shall not be accepted and the candidate’s application will be rejected at the time of verification of documents. If the enclosed documents are irrelevant or not legible, the candidature of the candidate may be summarily rejected.
Apply Mode :– Online 
Who can Apply Online :- 
All india candidate eligible for apply online.

HVF Apprentices Recruitment 2023 selection Process :- 

Selection will be done on the basis of merit list. The merit list will be prepared separately for NON-ITI and EX-ITI category.
The merit list for NON-ITI category will be prepared on the basis of overall percentage of marks in Madhyamik or matriculation (Class X standard or equivalent), aggregate in all subjects or best of 5 subjects as per criteria of that 10th Board, as entered by the candidate in the application form. 
Candidate shall submit original mark sheet of Madhyamik Board (Class X std. or equivalent). 
For NON-ITI category, common merit list will be prepared and the trades will be allotted by factory on Merit-cum-choice basis after selection / joining. 
In case of CGPA/GPA grading obtained by the
candidate one has to enter marks (and not CGPA grading) by conversion as per one’s 10th standard board criteria (in case candidates incorrectly filling up the CGPA grading beside clear instructions, it will
be converted to percentage by standard multiplication factor of 9.5 uniformly irrespective of their board criteria. 
This formula shall be used for all such candidates, either for whom there is absence of clear instruction from the concerned 10th Board or those who use incorrect ratio, different from the one
mandated by the concerned 10th Board. 
10th Board), and for calculation of percentage of ITI marks, marks mentioned in provisional/final certificate will be taken.
The aggregate marks obtained by the candidates in Madhyamik (Class X or equivalent) shall be considered irrespective of Board / Exam System and shall be considered as per percentage formula of
that Board / Exam System only.
Based on the vacancy position, select lists will be prepared and only provisionally selected candidates will be called for document verification and medical examination.

Important Dates :- 

  • Application submission Started Date 15th may 2023 
  • Application submission Last Date 14th June 2023 

Important Links :- 

Apply Online :- Click Here 

Official Notification :- Click Here

Latest Govt jobs :- Click Here

Terms and conditions :- 

The selected candidates will have to execute a Contract of Apprenticeship (if minor, by his/her guardian). Based on availability, the Apprentices may be provided with quarters/hostel accommodation.
During the training, the Apprentices are entitled for MEDICAL treatment from Ordnance Factory Hospital, HVF Estate, Avadi only as per rules. 
If a candidate is selected as Trade apprentice, against the
designated trades, his/her training shall be subject to registration through If due to any reason the registration process are not able to register the candidate in the apprenticeship portal, the training of the candidate shall be terminated immediately.
The Candidate who have completed the period of training will, on passing a test to be conducted by the National Council for
Training ( NCVT ) in Vocational Trades to determine his/her designated proficiency in which he/she has served, as an Apprentice, will be given a certificate of proficiency in the trade by the National Council. In the event of premature termination of Contract of Apprenticeship for failure on the part of apprentice to carry out the terms and conditions of the contract (as notified under the Apprenticeship Rules 1992) and amendments thereof, the candidate/surety has to pay such amount as is determined by the Apprenticeship Adviser as and towards the cost of training.

Disclaimer :- 

This site uploaded only for education purpose for genuine job Updates and help students for participate only campus placement i cant Garente your selection only depend your interview and Qualification and please the official notification than visit this campus placement. And please don’t pay any person only free of cost all job Updates. Thank for visited my site.

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