North Western Railway Assistant loco Polit New Recruitment 2023। Apply Now

North Western Railway jaipur New Recruitment 2023। Railway New Vacancy for Assistant loco Polit New Recruitment 2023। Last Date 29th April 2023

North Western Railway Assistant loco Polit New Recruitment 2023। Apply Now 

Organization Name :- 

North Western Railway jaipur Ltd

About Organization :- 

उत्तर पश्चिम रेलवे भारत में एक रेलवे ज़ोन है, जिसका मुख्यालय जयपुर, राजस्थान में है। इसे भारतीय रेलवे के पुनर्गठन के परिणामस्वरूप 1 अक्टूबर, 2002 को बनाया गया था। उत्तर पश्चिम रेलवे राजस्थान, गुजरात और हरियाणा राज्यों के साथ-साथ पंजाब और उत्तर प्रदेश के कुछ हिस्सों को कवर करता है।उत्तर पश्चिम रेलवे की कुल रूट लंबाई लगभग 5,500 किलोमीटर है, और यह यात्री और मालगाड़ियों दोनों का संचालन करती है। जोन को चार मंडलों में बांटा गया है, जो जयपुर, अजमेर, बीकानेर और जोधपुर हैं।

North Western Railway Assistant loco Polit new vacancy 2023
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उत्तर पश्चिम रेलवे का जयपुर मंडल जयपुर क्षेत्र में ट्रेनों के संचालन के लिए जिम्मेदार है। यह कुल 3,500 किमी की दूरी तय करता है और यात्री और एक्सप्रेस ट्रेनों सहित प्रतिदिन 300 से अधिक ट्रेनों का संचालन करता है। यह मंडल अपने क्षेत्र में रेलवे के बुनियादी ढांचे, जैसे पटरियों, पुलों और स्टेशनों के रखरखाव के लिए भी जिम्मेदार है।

Post and Vacancies :- 

  • Assistant loco Polit Opretors Required.
  • Total Number of Post 238.

Railway New Recruitment Education Qualification :- 

ITI and Diploma Passout students Eligible for apply online.

ITI Eligibility :- 

Matriculation Pass plus
ITI/Act Apprenticeship passed in trade 
Fitter Electrician Instrument Mechanic
Millwright/Maintenance Mechanic 
Mechanic (Radio & TV) (vi) Electronics
Mechanic Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)
Wireman Tractor Mechanic Armature & Coil Winder Mechanic Diesel Heat Engine.
Diploma in :- 

Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/
Automobiles Engineering in lieu of ITI.
Candidates with combinations of various
stream of trades of Engineering prescribed as above to be considered for employment on the Railways in term of Board’s instructions. contained in RBE no 162/2001 dated 20/08/2001 subject to the provisions contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2005/RR-1/8
dated 28/08/2014 and 30/09/2015.

Note :- Online applications are invited from All serving regular railway employees of North Western Railway excluding RPF/RPSF employees for filling up vacancies against General Departmental Competitive Examination(GDCE) quota as per instructions issued vide Railway Board’s letter no. E(NG)I-92 /PM 2/16 dated 20-08-1993 (RBE NO. 129/1993) and other instructions issued from time to time. The candidate must read all the instructions of this notification before filling the online application. The community wise breakup.

Eligibility Criteria :- 

Minimum Educational Qualification :- As indicated against post.
Apply Online Link :- Click Here 

Age limit : – 

Minimum Age 18 Year’s and Maximum age 42 years and age Relaxation as per govt rules.

The upper age limit will be 42 years for General candidates, 45 years for
OBC candidates and 47 years for SC/ST candidates as per Railway Board 21.08.2001. The age will be reckoned as on

Application Fee: 

NIL No Fees Disclose by railway bord.

General Instructions:-

Only Serving Regular Railway employees of North Western Railway are eligible
working in following Grade Pay/Pay Level.

  • Lower than the Grade Pay/Pay Level for which GDCE is being held.
  • Same Grade Pay/Pay Level scale for which GDCE is being held are permitted to
  • appear in selection for Non Safety to safety category posts as well as safety to
  • safety category posts.
  • Candidates are not allow to apply for the same post on which presently working.
  • b) Those candidates who are appearing in and/or awaiting results of final examination of
  • minimum qualification as on closing date (06.05.2023) are not eligible. Academic
  • qualification must be from recognized Educational Institution/Board, otherwise
  • candidature will be rejected at any stage of selection.
  • c) Eligible employees should submit their applications through online mode only.
  • Application sent through offline mode/manually/Hard copy in RRC, JP office will
  • not be entertained.
  • d) Selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere on North Western Railway.
  • e) Decision of the Railway Recruitment Cell, Jaipur in the matter of selection will be final.
  • f) The Notification may be from the
  • g) The number of Vacancies shown in the notification are provisional and the same may
  • increase or decrease depending upon the actual needs of the administration at the time
  • of appointment.
  • h) Railway Administration reserves the right to alter the mode of examinations or re-
  • conduct CBT/written examination or to cancel part or whole of any process of
  • recruitment at any stage.


The candidates empanelled in GDCE for the post of Assistant. Loco Pilot will have to pass the requisite medical fitness test conducted by the Railway Administration to ensure that the candidates are medically fit to carry out the duties.
connected with the post. Candidates must ensure his/her medical fitness since in case of unfitness, he/she will not be given an alternate post.

Recruitment Process :- 

The recruitment process shall comprise of a Computer Based
Test (CBT)/written examination followed by aptitude test, Document Verification and
Medical Examination.

  • Standard of examination shall be like that of direct recruitment conducted by RRB.
  • CBT/Written Examination will be conducted in single/two stages.
  • The selection will be made strictly as per merit. Short listed candidates will be called
  • for verification of their original documents.
  • CBT/ Written Examination will have multiple choice type questions. There shall be
  • negative marking in written examination and 1/3 of the allotted marks for each question
  • shall be deducted for every wrong answer.


Applications should be registered ONLINE by filling up the required details in the
prescribed format at RRC/Jaipur website duly following the steps and
instructions as mentioned of this Notification carefully. 

  • Candidates should
  • enter all the required details in the online application form. Incomplete application shall not be accepted.
  • Candidates are required to indicate their personal mobile no. and personal e-mail ID in the online application form and keep them active during the entire recruitment process.
  • Candidates are advised in their own interest to register their applications ONLINE well
  • before the closing date and time to avoid hassels like inability/ failure to log on the
  • website. on account of heavy load on the internet or website jam during the last days.
  • RRC/JP will not bear any responsibility if the candidates are not able to register
  • applications ONLINE within the last date/time, for any reason whatsoever.

Documents to be Uploaded :- 

The employee should upload following document in JPG format Photograph having size 15 to 40 KB, Signature & left hand thumb impression having size 10 to 20 KB & Employee Certificate (Annexure-1) having size 30 to 50 KB.

Photograph :- 

A colour photograph not older than three months, with clear
front view of the candidate, without cap and sunglasses, should be uploaded.

  • Candidate may note that RRC may, at any stage, reject the applications for
  • uploading old/unclear photo or for any significant variations between uploaded
  • photograph and the actual physical appearance of the candidate. 
  • The photo affixed on the employee service certificate, uploaded in the online application and produced at the various stages of the exam must be the same.
  • Candidates
  • are advised to keep extra copies of the same photograph for Aptitude/skill/speed/
  • Document verification etc. Application without photograph is liable to be
  • rejected.

Signature :- 

running signature should be uploaded. Unsigned applications,
signed in capital letters/ Disjointed letters/spaces out letters will be rejected.

Left Hand Thumb Impression :- 

Clear thumb impression should be uploaded. Application without clear thumb impressions is liable to be rejected.

Employee Certificate (Annexure-1) :- 
Format in given Annexure-1 should be
uploaded with the online application. Annexure-1 should be filled by the applicant
with his signature and thumb impression (which must be the same as uploaded in
the application) and verified by the applicants immediate supervisor duly signed with seal and mobile No. Employee service certificate will be the only eligible
ID at all stage of the GDCE.

Document Verification :- 

Medical Examination After the results of the CBT, Aptitude test is declared, shortlisted candidates on the basis of merit of written
examination will be called for Document Verification. At the time of Document
verification the shortlisted candidates will have to produce original certificates of
education qualification, caste, DOB, Employee Certificate (Annexure-1), relieving letter.


  • Before applying, the Candidates should carefully read the instructions and ensure that he/she fulfills all the prescribed eligibility criteria at the time of submission of application as per the Notification.
  • RRC reserves the right to conduct the examination in batches on various dates and
  • locations as decided by the RRC.
  • The list of eligible/ineligible candidates will be published on the website of the
  • RRC.The eligible candidates can download their admit cards from the RRC website in
  • due course. Candidates are advised to be in touch with RRC website for various
  • information of the stages of selection.
Note :- 
In case the application is rejected by RRC for any reason, candidates will be able to
view their status ONLINE on the website of RRC/JP, along with the reasons for rejection SMS and e-mail alerts will also be sent to the candidates on their registered mobile number and email ID, as indicated while registering their application ONLINE.

Candidates whose application/candidature is rejected will NOT be intimated by post. RRC, JP accepts no responsibility for non-receipt of any communication.


  • Employees are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or
  • suppress any material information while submitting the Application.
  • Employees shall not bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence to
  • further his/her interest in respect of selection process.
  • Any misconduct on the part of the employee at any part of the recruitment process is
  • strictly prohibited and such misconduct will lead to disqualification of the candidature
  • and also appropriate disciplinary/ criminal proceedings will be initiated.

Note :- 
Indulgence in any malpractice se misconduct will result in the rejection of the
candidature at any stage of selection in addition to initiation of appropriate
Disciplinary/ Criminal proceedings.

North Western Railway jaipur important Note :-

All Regular Group ‘C’ or Erstwhile Group ‘D’ employees of North Western Railway
excluding RPF/RPSF employees fulfilling eligibility criteria may apply.

Important Date :- 

Date & Time of Opening (ONLINE) Date & Time of Closing (ONLINE)
07.04.2023 10.00 Hrs. 06.05.2023 23.59 Hrs.

Apply Mode :- Online From submit.

How To Apply Online North Western Railway jaipur 2023 :- 

Intrasted candidate’s please read the full notification than apply online using provided important Link. 

Important Link :- 

Apply Online :- Click Here 

Latest Govt Jobs :- Click Here

Disclaimer :- 

This site uploaded only for education perpose for genuine job Updates and help students for participate only campus placement i cant Garentee your selection only depend your interview and Qualification and please the official notification than visit this campus placement. And please don’t pay any person only free of cost all job Updates. Thank for visited my site.

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